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Christmas & New Year.


There will be no Saturday morning life class or Saturday afternoon portrait class on 25 December or 1 January, but back to normal from 8 January.

There will not be a Monday morning life class for the next two weeks but they will resume on 10 January.

There are no cancellations with the Tuesday evening portrait class which will also be streamed online.

The next Wednesday class will be on 12 January.

No Thursday evening life class on 23 December but back to normal from 30 December.

All this is assuming there are no further lockdowns.


new classes.

There will be two new evening classes in the studio from January.

Monday evenings:

From 3 January, Sally-Anne will run classes on Monday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. They will alternate each week between portrait and life - beginning with portrait on 3 January.

Wednesday evenings:

From 12 January, Kathy will run Wednesday evening classes from 6pm to 9pm. The first three Wednesdays of each month will be same model/same pose for three consecutive Wednesdays - a total of 9 hours, alternating between life and specially arranged costume poses. The remaining Wednesday[s] in the month will be 3-hour single-pose sessions. That may be one Wednesday or two depending on the particular month. Members who cannot be there for the full 9 hours are welcome to join in for some of the sessions, but members who will be there for the full time will have first choice on where they sit/stand. Both classes are likely to be charged at the 'life' rate, but this will be confirmed nearer the time.


Both Class Leaders will need to keep members, guests and models safe while in the studio during this difficult time, so would like attendees to bring flasks/drinks and not make tea/coffee in the studio. As usual, all windows and the door must be kept open during classes and masks worn at all times.


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